"Don't worry if your house gets messy, it's normal"
I don't give a tinkers toss if it's 'normal'. I don't want a messy house. I never had a messy house before I was a mummy and I won't have one now. I don't care if it does mean I will spend nap time tidying up and cleaning rather than resting or doing something for me. Mess = stress for me. And on that train of thought.....
"If they make a mess with their toys, just leave it and tidy it up at the end of the day"
Ok I can see the sense in this one, there is no point in tidying up the same mess twenty times a day. But if you're a certain type of person (ie. like me) then you just can't. I physically can't leave it. Things need to be in their place. Don't suggest that I change who I am just because I had a child.
"You won't be able to do that *insert fun activity here* once the baby arrives"
Ermmmm.... why? I can take my baby to a restaurant. I can take my baby to a friends house. I can take my baby on holiday. I can and have done all of these things. Somebody, please think of a place where babies are actually banned. Then, and only then, will I believe that there are things that I can no longer do. Even though, I could always ya know, get a babysitter. That's what parents are for isn't it?
And finally, my favourite from the older generation (this one can be adapted to work similarly for people who have no children)....
"We never used to bother with that/do it like that when mine were little!"
*insert sarcasm here* Oh God you're right! I forgot that this is, in fact, 30 years ago and my baby is an exact clone of yours! Of course, I'll abandon my own parenting methods and immediately adopt yours... what was I thinking???
Anyone else got any gems they'd like to share? Let off some steam? This is fun ;-)
I don't give a tinkers toss if it's 'normal'. I don't want a messy house. I never had a messy house before I was a mummy and I won't have one now. I don't care if it does mean I will spend nap time tidying up and cleaning rather than resting or doing something for me. Mess = stress for me. And on that train of thought.....
"If they make a mess with their toys, just leave it and tidy it up at the end of the day"
Ok I can see the sense in this one, there is no point in tidying up the same mess twenty times a day. But if you're a certain type of person (ie. like me) then you just can't. I physically can't leave it. Things need to be in their place. Don't suggest that I change who I am just because I had a child.
"You won't be able to do that *insert fun activity here* once the baby arrives"
Ermmmm.... why? I can take my baby to a restaurant. I can take my baby to a friends house. I can take my baby on holiday. I can and have done all of these things. Somebody, please think of a place where babies are actually banned. Then, and only then, will I believe that there are things that I can no longer do. Even though, I could always ya know, get a babysitter. That's what parents are for isn't it?
And finally, my favourite from the older generation (this one can be adapted to work similarly for people who have no children)....
"We never used to bother with that/do it like that when mine were little!"
*insert sarcasm here* Oh God you're right! I forgot that this is, in fact, 30 years ago and my baby is an exact clone of yours! Of course, I'll abandon my own parenting methods and immediately adopt yours... what was I thinking???
Anyone else got any gems they'd like to share? Let off some steam? This is fun ;-)